VSSU International School - A Division of Sishu Uddyan

Perseverance Brings Success


0740 723 5533

03174 277451, 03174 277001

Ashok Nilay Campus

Ullon, Lakshmikantapur, South 24Pgs - 743336

10.15am - 3.40pm

Monday to Saturday (2nd & 4th Saturday holiday)

U-DISE Code No. 19182005304

123 456 789


Goldsmith Hall

New York, NY 90210

07:30 - 19:00

Monday to Friday

Assessment II

VIS/admin/31/20-21                                                                                                    Date: 02.11.20


Dear Parents

This is to inform you that Assessment II  exam for the Session 20-21 from class Nursery to UKG will start from 09.11.20  please Download Exam routine & Process from Mobile app. Make sure that  tuition fees have been paid up to November or clear all dues within 09.11.20 to appear in the exam.

Thanking you

Chinmoy Gayen


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