VSSU International School - A Division of Sishu Uddyan

Perseverance Brings Success


0740 723 5533

03174 277451, 03174 277001

Ashok Nilay Campus

Ullon, Lakshmikantapur, South 24Pgs - 743336

10.15am - 3.40pm

Monday to Saturday (2nd & 4th Saturday holiday)

U-DISE Code No. 19182005304

123 456 789


Goldsmith Hall

New York, NY 90210

07:30 - 19:00

Monday to Friday

Notice Board

Sl NoDate PublishedSubjectLink
1January 30, 2021Annual Exam view
2January 6, 2021PTM & Report Card view
3November 4, 2020Assessment II view
4November 4, 2020Fee reduced by 20 percent view
5October 2, 2020Exam & Fees Notice view
6October 2, 2020PTM Notice view